Movie Craft
How to Become a Screenwriter: Avoid These 4 Deadly Mistakes!
I know a lot of writers. Movie writers, TV writers, and web-series writers; novelists and graphic novelists; animation writers, comedy writers, drama writers, erratic writers and disciplined writers. Each is a unique and singular artist, except for one quality that unites them all – every one of them is constantly looking for an edge. No […]
Creative Chaos and Other Screenwriting Tips
As I navigated through studio politics and creative challenges, I came to the conclusion that there are only two types of people working in Hollywood. People who solve problems. And people who create problems. Guess which one writers need to be? Now, in fairness, not all problem creators are destructive – at least, not creatively. […]
Fade In:
The genesis of this website and my book came unexpectedly. One day I was asked to appear on a panel of screenwriters at the Writers Guild of America, West. The topic assigned to me was, “How do you increase the stakes in a second act?” Innocent enough, right? Yet that question needled me like a […]
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